Castle Season 4 Episode 21

This episode is like watching a totally different series. Castle without Kate is like a river without water or Earth without trees (too dramatic :P) !! As a separate story, the episode can be considered good but as an episode of Castle ....... it ain't lovely.

As Castle continues to follow his distancing policy, he soon runs out of ideas for his Nikki Heat novels. As even Kate is busy on some trial run, he decides to become partners with Detective Ethan Slaughter. After much deliberation and cheekiness Slaughter agrees and they go out to investigate a 'Slaughtered Heads' case which involves a dead person with 3 slaughtered heads in his handbag. They try to prevent a gang war which could erupt due to this case. On their investigations, Castle finds Slaughter's ways too violent and totally different from those of Kate. At one point of time, his ways put Castle's life in danger. The end is unexpected and twisted like all Castle episodes.

The episode is a good mix of investigation, drama and comedy. The latter one, provided by Esposito and Ryan whose demands from Castle are amusing. Kate has a limited number of scenes but the scene involving her psychiatrist is one of the best. Slaughter may be likeable to some, but his character seems disgusting to me. I just cannot digest his style of investigation and I certainly hope I never come across a cop like him.
The story is good and exciting, but it just does not feel or seem like a Castle episode. The few things that remind you that you are indeed watching Castle are Rick's conversations with Esposito and Ryan and his attempts to impress Slaughter. Castle's physical fights are pretty funny. Kate's absence is surely felt and I seriously hope this never happens again.

One good thing about this episode is that it makes me super excited about the next two episodes. They are going to be awesome.

Overall an average episode with an interesting and slightly amusing storyline.

Star Rating :

PS. I have never seen Firefly so I wasn't particularly excited about the Castle-Slaughter duo.

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