Castle : Season 4 Finale

A mysterious murder, a dim environment, a gripping setup, the return of Kate's shooter, Alexis' graduation and Kate's revelation ......... the episode had everything required for it to be a season finale. But by the end it became so much more. It was no longer a crime-drama episode ; it was a step forward in a journey, a journey we had all embarked upon, four years ago.

Captain Montgomery's house is ransacked. The thief is found dead in an alleyway and it is believed that he was looking for case files relating to the murder of Kate's mother. Through a suspect, it is determined that the thief was killed by the same person who shot Kate 11 months ago. As Kate delves deeper and deeper into the case, Castle gets another call from the mysterious person. Through some investigation, they finally get the shooter's screenshot. Scared for Kate, Castle approaches her and tells her about the mysterious caller. Kate feels betrayed and a fantastic (super awesome) argument follows which ends with Castle's informal resignation from the partnership. Kate tracks down the shooter without telling Gates and goes after him. The faceoff (amazing fight) ends with Kate being pushed off the roof. She holds on and a great realization follows.
Meanwhile, Castle is psyched out by another big event ..... Alexis' graduation. Alexis after much deliberations gives out a great speech only to be succeeded by the biggest twist/development of the series. Kate resigns from NYPD and heads to Castle's house where they meet and make out.


From the script to the acting, from the fights/arguments to the drama, from Alexis' speech to Kate's expressions (even her makeup) ......... every single thing in this episode was Perfect. Even the junior artists were fabulous. This episode is an excellent example of how Season Finales should be. I was literally holding my breath through the entire episode and my heart din't stop throbbing even after the end.

Right from the word 'Go' .... you are hooked. The developments of the case and it's aftermath are super interesting and absorbing. The fight sequences are perfectly shot and the Castle-Kate confrontation seems totally genuine and adept. Altough the episode does not have many light moments, one that I particulary liked was the Kate-Castle banter, right at the beginning of the episode.

When you learn that the end is how you wanted it to be, you are overjoyed with happiness.
All the credit goes to the writers and the director for making such a fine episode. I was on the verge of tears by the end of it and now I can't wait for Season 5. It is absolutely superb and totally flawless. I have never experienced an outburst of emotions like I did when I was watching this !!

I know a season finale should not be in contention for the best episode award due to unpredictabe and bombastic features, but I can't help but consider this episode as not just the best of the season but also the best of the series. It is a perfect combination of Drama, Romance, Action and Suspense ....... something only a Castle episode can provide.

Star Rating :

PS. Alexis' speech was beautiful and mesmerizing ......... I wanted to share it with you guys :

"There is a universal truth we all have to face, whether we want to or not, everything eventually ends. As much as I've looked forward to this day, I've always disliked endings. Last day of summer, the final chapter of a great book, parting ways with a close friend. But endings are inevitable, Leaves fall, you close the book. You say goodbye. Today is one of those days for us. Today we say goodbye to everything that was familiar, everything that was comfortable. We're moving on. But just because we're leaving, and that hurts, there's some people who are so much a part of us, they'll be with us no matter what. They are our solid ground. Our North Star. And the small clear voices in our hearts that will be with us … always."

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