Castle Season 4 Episode 20

Another good episode, another good storyline and another interesting development. Comparing with the last episode, the theme of this one may not be as extreme as the last one since this one is a simple a homicide investigation, but it would wrong to say that it wasn't interesting.

A lady is found strangled to death in a seedy hotel room. NYPD starts to investigate and finds out that she is British and the last man who was in her room was a Scotland Yard Inspector Detective. He approaches NYPD and offers his help. He says that he had found a key in the victim's jacket which leads to a gym locker. They find a code and a photograph in the locker. While the key leads to a diplomatic shipment package which contains missiles (ooooohh), the photograph is of a British Consulate who becomes their prime suspect. One thing leads to another and ......... Abracadabra they solve the case ! (No spoilers in Castle reviews is my policy)

Again, the episode revolves more around the Kate-Castle "thing". It is delightful to see it develop and take different turns. Castle follows his plan to distance himself from Kate and starts dating a flight attendant. This pinches Kate. She tries to express her feelings to him (twice) but fails. She also talks about it with Lanie whose taunts are awesome. The Kate-Lanie scenes are really great. In the end, Castle's estranged behavior forces Kate to look in other directions.

A few negatives ...... Castle's estranged behavior troubles me too, not because I want Kate and Castle to end up together but because he largely remains a shadow character due to his distancing policy. He hardly helps in the investigation and you kinda miss his theories. Also, it does feel sometimes during the episode that the case is woven around the Kate and Castle relationship rather than the other way around.

Overall, its a good episode, no complaints.
Still waiting for the season finale.

Star Rating : 1/2 (3.5)

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