Castle Season 4 Episode 19

Castle has never failed to surprise me and this episode is no exception ! In fact, this is one of the best episodes of the season ......... it could easily have been the season finale or a 2 part special ! But since this episode did not involve Beckett's love confession, it just couldn't be the finale.

Picking a theme from a recent event (the wall street protest), the episode revolves around both a bomb blast that takes place at the protest and the Castle-Beckett relationship. Both super hot !! FBI takes over but it is the job of NYPD to interview all 300 witnesses. One suspect leads to another and then another ..... they finally reach the bomber thanks to Castle's theories (like always :D) and he/she confesses to the crime ! The bomb blast issue is handled effectively and the effects that a bomb can have on the citizens are shown fantastically !

But like I said, what is even better is the Kate - Castle relationship development ..... it undergoes many changes and at one point Castle is just about to confess again, however the end is unexpected (and many people wont like it) ........ but it just sets the path for the season finale ........ which is going to be awesome (4 episodes left) !

Few things to note are the awesome performances of the lead actors whose facial expressions are simply mindblowing and the Alexis-Castle scenes which are quite touching.

Just one hitch in the episode for me, it sometimes feels during the episode that NYPD is just not doing enough or cant do enough because of the institutional hierarchy as they are limited to interviewing witnesses (maybe Kate should have been on the FBI) !! So much for reality !!

Overall it is a helluva episode ...... simply waiting for the finale !!

Overall Rating : 1/2 (4.5)

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